Establishing a Business Improvement District

Peterborough Positive

  • Branding
  • Web design
  • Business plan and Newsletter design
  • Presentation design

Bid you adieu

Representing over 400 businesses and organisations, Peterborough Positive is focused on delivering an ambitious business plan to transform the city centre – improving experiences, standards and adding value for all city users.

But with nothing except the plan in place they approached us to name and brand the Peterborough BID. Instead of just calling it that, we felt it was better represented by something more standout and the brand quickly followed suit.


Once the name and brand were in place. We were then tasked with putting together a physical and digital copy of the business plan for perspective businesses.


Once everyone was onboard we were put in charge of digital comms via a monthly newsletter creating the Peterborough Positive website.

Let's make it happen

If you have a project or idea that needs some fresh thinking then let’s meet up.

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